The authors thank Gavin Moore Mischler and Christian Brodbeck for including a CND loading function in their lab toolboxes, NapLib and EelBrain respectively.
This research was supported by the Science Foundation Ireland under Grant Agreement No. 13/RC/2106_P2 at the ADAPT SFI Research Centre at Trinity College Dublin. ADAPT, the SFI Research Centre for AI-Driven Digital Content Technology, is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme.
This research was also supported by the the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin.
We thank mBrainTrain for their generous sponsorships supporting the CNSP workshops in 2022 and 2023.
We thank Edmund Lalor, PhD., for his substantial data sharing contribution (>3 CND datasets from his research), for his keynote lecture in CNSP2021, and for insightful discussions on the direction of the CNSP initiative.
We thank all authors that shared their EEG, MEG, and iEEG datasets.
Finally we thank all the speakers and participants in the CNSP workshops to date, for their enthusiastic support of the CNSP initiative!