CNSP resources

Welcome to the resource page of the Cognition and Natural Sensory Processing (CNSP) open-science initiative! The resources include guidelines, data, scripts, and GUIs for sharing and analysing neural data involving continuous stimuli (e.g., speech or music listening). Specifically, we offer:


This project is under active development.

- CNSP-coordinator: Giovanni Di Liberto diliberg [ a-t ] tcd [ d-o-t ] i.e
- CNSP-workshop coordinator: Aaron Nidiffer
- or

Getting started

For beginners, we suggest going through the tutorials in the order indicated in this documentation. For new users with at least a basic understanding of analysis methods such as the TRF, we suggest starting from the first How-to guide

Note that each dataset should be used according to its own license and should be referenced as indicated by the authors in their original submission.